Booking Information
Arrival / departure - rooms
Check-in from 14:00
Check-out by 10:00
Arrival / departu:re - apartments
Check-in from 14:00
Check-out by 9:00
A deposit is necessary to ensure the validity of your reservation. We will inform you about the amount and the bank details in an email.
We accept cash payments and the Maestro cash card.
Children's rates
up to 4 years free
4 -10 years in the parents' room 60%
11-14 years in the parents' room 50%
We will gladly provide cots and high chairs free of charge!
The free ski bus stops right outside our house!
please ask first.
Hotel Contract Conditions
In case of cancellations, the Austrial Hotel Contract Conditions apply.
Cancellations are only valid in written form.
> Link to the Austrian Hotel Contract Conditions as a PDF download